Our Mission:

To significantly change the future by understanding, uniting, and empowering youth in a safe space where input and solutions to issues can inspire actual change and balance within for wellness of our communities.

bolt / beult / v. to get a move on; to get cracking

We're working hard to provide youth with the tools, inspiration and connections to get cracking and empower change!

Our Purpose:

To bring aboriginal youth together with aboriginal, federal and provincial governments and organizations to begin building a strong relationship where youth advocate their issues to be aligned with departmental policies and programming.

Our Goal:

To unite youth and elders to create a positive difference in their communities. Young people can support each other to embrace opportunities for more meaningful roles - not just token youth positions. They will be responsible for working within decision-making processes by advocating for roles in the development and design of policies.

Our Vision sees:

Elders, leaders and youth sharing responsibility.
Aboriginal leadership and youth working together to build alliances, support systems and connections.
Emerging respect for all youth of all Nations, especially minorities and two-spirited people.
Youth in more meaningful roles in staff positions and on boards, councils, and steering committees in Aboriginal organizations, beyond tokenism.
Youth involved in development, design and implementation of policy in all levels of government.
Youth taking responsibility for their voice, creating networks and healthy communities.